Thursday, November 07, 2024

Lothlorien Poetry Journal publishes my Five Poems

 Lothlorien Poetry Journal publishes my Five Poems. The editor writes:

"Dear Ram,

Thankye for sending me these captivating poems. It is a pleasure to read and step inside your beautifully crafted work and I have now published your five sublime poems on the LPJ Blog. I love your originality of voice, subject, language, atmospheres, imagination  and imagery in each of these poems and look forward to reading and considering more of your fascinating work Ram.

Thankye for your support of Lothlorien Poetry Journal and for this excellent poetry submission, which I sincerely appreciate.

Keep safe and well Poet.

Best to you my friend,


7 November 2024

Five Poems by Prof. Ram Krishna Singh (R. K. Singh)




Not too many issues

yet enough to upset

the mind of men and women

in postlapsarian world:


she blames me for changing size

shifting shape and cracking bones

aching joints and sleeplessness

menopausal ups and downs


she kicks me out of bed

saying my body’s no picnic


I know it’s difficult

to be a woman and wife

working and making home


I may be no saint

in your eyes but I never

tried to remake you

in my own or God’s image


I can’t give birth like you

nor can I stop the changes in you

I’ve no miracle pill


Your  body, your anger

I love you as you are

let’s carry no useless weight





Perfumeless my bustan

I couldn’t be a letter of the masters


passed years in the soul’s waste

to be what I could never be


the few bonuses now burden

like the body’s sickness stick dust


the wrinkled skin, the holes in vests

herald sorrows of Venus


too far the sun’s sky to borrow

warmth to keep the rose smelling





I can’t hear my self

their  noises erase my world

choices are denied—

questions of being wound me

courage and strength fade away


they mute my voice

distract us from the truth

crowns change with the wind

and they play chess with our lives


they feed us dust and potions

in their new temples

arouse their magic deities

make us yell loud

and hang us upside down



Roaring guns and flying bombs

pronounce total death on earth


the world withers away with

the suns of science, challenging


the universe and time with

cankerous creations


viral revolution

racial elimination


structures of deception

media and power traps


in the name of faith and past

bullying the masses, seek


fresh promises, renewed

enthusiasm wrapped in


a dream scroll mythologized

to spotlight a Trump, Modi


Putin or Netanyahu

tap national consciousness


for divine descent to make

life happen once again





There they tuck into turkey dinners

here  we talk about free light and water


politics of thanksgiving for more

polarization, more separation


more violence, more religion, more freedom

in the new temple make more pockmarks


to start afresh fiction of wonder

crowning wolves as gods and goddesses







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