My poems published in ПЕТРУШКА НАСТАМБА - Часопис за језик, књижевност и културу
Hours of silence
and a lot of walks:
no facile words
no touchiness
no paranoia
no pilgrimage
but chanting within
through the declining day
the inner acoustics
on a hilltop
no cloudy incantation:
gasp for nirvana
Frazzled and restless
bouts of anxiety
addiction, sleeplessness
spinal degeneration
pain in the neck and back
numbness in the legs
loss of teeth, libido
anal bleeding and what not
failure to stay focused
and dying desires to do
what I used to do
are not mere ageing
things get hairy, scary
with body failure
ailments pop up
spirit dries up
mind disconnects
I’m hardly centered
to clean my age’s turd
on inner chakras
meditate and forget
the memories’ load
and die a new being
Hidden from the eyes of others
I was made in secret
but I can’t remember my birth
from foetus in the womb
to severing of the cord
erased the memory
now rootless in the valley
fading sensations of years
pierce the darkling wings of
world wide web that blob my being
twisted and tangled, brushed
away like a fly hate mongers
hashtag my creation
pirouetting platitudes
I want to burn the fallen leaves
but fear the flame will hurt the trees
I can’t stand the stench rains bring
the backyard is too big to clean
I can’t rescue my habitat
nor trim the trees for better light
this all reflects the shambles made
for disco of convenience
why regret burial by
taunting helplessness now
No one around
before the paper deity
dead flowers
giving me the push
„quick, get up,“ I hear
Waking to a morning
tainted with prayers
on the toilet seat
nude nature waves a dull sun
smitten by the night’s long eclipse
Earthy body
and nightness of silence
fear in mirror
return to the river
echoing hollowed sound
Before retiring
swallowing pills to mitigate
her rising hackles
that walk me through to death
of desire for love in bed
Life is beautiful
when you enter another
and become one
in each other
No cakes or cookies
to celebrate my birthday
this New Year eve
lunar eclipse and blue moon
cheer the cup in foggy chill
Short nights and long days
sleep loss rustles a friction
echoing in bed
the cycle of cravings
over and over again
The busyness
and weariness of now
they toss about
regulating their sleep
by one another’s
Light switched off
for love sliding on
window pane
moon too shies away
behind the bare trees
A moment of love
and long silence for years:
from dream to nightmare
again fear grips my soul
I sense her presence around

Bio Note: Ram Krishna Singh
Ram Krishna Singh, an Indian poet, has been writing in English for about four decades. Professionally, till the end of 2015, Professor of English (HAG) at IIT-ISM in Dhanbad, he has published more than 160 research articles, 175 book reviews and 46 books, including God Too Awaits Light (2017), Growing Within/Desăvârşire lăuntrică (English/Romanian, 2017), There’s No Paradise and Other Selected Poems Tanka & Haiku (2019), and Tainted With Prayers/Contaminado con oraciones (English/Spanish, Traductor Joseph Berolo Ramos, 2019). He has also published a memoir, Writing Editing Publishing: A Memoir (2016), which may interest literary historians, researchers and poets. His haiku and tanka have been internationally read and appreciated. web ; email:
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