Wednesday, October 25, 2023

My Haiku appear on World Haiku Series 2022


World Haiku Series 2022 (96) Haiku by Ram Krishna Singh (India)

Haiku by Ram Krishna Singh

he sweeps yellow leaves

or gathers years in a heap

burns to merge with dust

looking for Taj in grains

through sand storm find history

trapped between toes

two wolves smell

the carcass in field

heat wave chills

ripe on the branches

mangoes fall one by one

end of the season

smell of kamini

in front of my house excites:

hummingbirds mate

a load of wood

on her frail back

autumn evening

on a cycle

he sells bouquets and roses

peddling dreams

in the wild

inner echoes—


naked in debris

a crying baby girl

he bends to pick up

measure loneliness

sip by sip

at dining table

–R. K. Singh

Bio note:

Ram Krishna Singh, also known as R.K.Singh, has been writing  for over four decades now . Born (31 December 1950), brought up and educated in Varanasi, he has been professionally concerned with teaching and research in the areas of English language teaching, especially for Science and Technology, and Indian English Poetry practices. Till the end of 2015,  Professor of English (HAG)  at IIT-ISM in Dhanbad, Dr Singh has published 52 books, including  poetry collections Tainted With Prayers/Contaminado con oraciones (English/Spanish, 2019), Silencio: Blanca desconfianza: Silence: White distrust (Spanish edition, Kindle, Spanish/English, 2021), A Lone Sparrow (English/Arabic, 2021), Against the Waves: Selected Poems (2021),  Changing Seasons: Selected Tanka and Haiku (English/Arabic, 2021),    白濁: SILENCE: A WHITE DISTRUST (English/Japanese, Kindle Edition/Paperback, 2022), and SHE: Haiku Celebrating Woman That Makes Man Complete (e-book, 2022).   His haiku and tanka have been internationally read, appreciated and translated into several languages.

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Here is a mail from Dr. R.K.Singh

Dear Hiruta san,

May I submit ten haiku for your consideration for use in the forthcoming World Haiku Series 2022 on the theme of Earth. I guess you want us to submit haiku on the element of Earth in its various patterns of energy — physical, practical, concrete– that affect human life; its core physicality of who we are, our animal instincts, sufferings, nurturing, rootedness, happiness etc.; and the balance of yin and yang aspects in our being. If I’m right, then I hope, my submission should meet your expectation.

I look forward to hearing from you.

With warm regards



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