After the death of Jesus I ceased to be a sinner: God's come closer with His love my flame glows with passion and dreams rise in new shapes I love the Spirit's edict
I feel very happy to have been included among the winners of Naji
Naaman's literary prizes for 2015. The prizes are awarded by Naji
Naaman's Foundation for Gratis Culture (FCG), Lebanon.
With 2041 participants in competition, from sixty countries, writing
in thirty two languages and dialects, the thirteenth picking season of
Naji Naaman's literary prizes, 2015 rewarded fifty eight prizewinners.
I am the only Indian poet and writer honored for my complete works for the 2015 awards.
As announced, during next August, laureates will find their chosen
texts printed in the prizes' yearbook within the free of charge literary
series published by FGC and shall receive an appropriate attestation
giving them the honorary title of member of Maison Naaman pour la
Released in 2002, Naji Naaman's literary prizes are awarded to
authors of the most emancipated literary works in content and style,
aiming to revive and develop human values.
Ram Krishna Singh is an Indian poet and academic, whose main fields of interest consist of Indian English writing, especially poetry, and English for Specific Purposes, especially for science and technology.
Born on 31 December 1950 in Varanasi, India, he has authored more than 160 research articles,170 book reviews and 45 books. His works have been anthologized in over 150 publications. Dr Singh's poems have been widely translated and explored in several M.Phil. and Ph.D. theses. Till recently,Professor of English at IIT-ISM, Dhanbad,he is now happily retired and pursuing his literary interests.