Monday, November 23, 2020

Fatima Tayeh translates my tanka


The sea smells

from far off leaps to the sky

I drive through

the maze of returning folks

with fresh catch on their head

صيد طازج

نسائم البحر

من بعيد تشق عباب السماء

أقود سيارتي 

خلال الناس العائدين

بصيد طازج فوق رؤوسهم

●Haiku by Ram krishna singh

●translated by Fatemah Tayeh

  ترجمة :فاطمة طايع


In the forest of your hair
My fingers searches
The little pearl of blood
That stirs the hidden water
And contain my restlessness
في غابة شعرك
أصابعي تبحث
عن اللؤلؤة الحمراء الصغيرة
التي تهيج الماء المخبوء
وتحتوي ضجري
●Translated by Fatima Tayeh


Thanks Joseph for taking note of the poem and translating it on UNILETRAS.
LOVE (Spanish version by Joseph Berolo)
En el bosque de tu pelo
mis dedos buscan
la pequeña perla de sangre
que bate las ocultas aguas
y contiene mi inquietud.
Roses await
sun and wind to clear
the baleful fog:
I fear she'll say no
to my love again
تنتظر الأزهار
من الشمس والرياح
أن تقشع الضباب الباهت
أخشى أن
ترفض حبي لها مجددا
●Gogyohka by
Ram Krishna Singh
●translated by
Fatema Tayeh
I can't know her
from the body, skin or curve:
the perfume cheats
like the sacred hymns chanted
in hope, and there's no answer
--R K Singh
أنا لا أميزها
من جسدها أو جلدها أو حتى تجاعيدها
وحده عطرها يفشي سرها
كترانيم مقدسة رتلت على أمل
وليس هناك جواب
●Written by R.k.Singh
●Translated into Arabic by Fatema Tayeh

Thursday, November 19, 2020

'Gospel' published in Oddball Magazine


Poem by R. K. Singh

Ecological Abstract Art on Covid 19 Theme” © Amefralb Ecoheal



Don’t question the lips
that wilt the tongue
licking wetness in the mouth

the mystery of delight
prophesy of the birth
by salty swallowing

make new parables
with face mask surviving
one more gospel


Ram Krishna Singh has been wiriting poetry,including haiku and tanka, for over four decades. Until 2015, he was Professor of English at IIT-ISM in Dhanbad. He has published 46 books, including the poetry collections God Too Awaits Light (2017), Growing Within/Desăvârşire lăuntrică (English/Romanian, 2017), There’s No Paradise and Other Selected Poems Tanka & Haiku (2019), and Tainted With Prayers/Contaminado con oraciones (English/Spanish, 2019).

Amefralb Ecoheal is an ecological artist living in South Boston “Before Covid time, I had been selected to exhibit my work at the Public Library Branch of South Boston for years, inside the ‘Artist of the Month’ Window. The theme of Covid 19 has intrigued my canvas with ideas, reflections and abstracting configurations.” 





Wednesday, November 18, 2020




Traducción libre de Joseph Berolo 


corona virus--


some say it's invasion 

the barbarian without


I clear my throat 

behind the face mask

 breathe in unknown viruses

 suffer new repressions 

now lockdown

 cut off life:


Hugo said monasticism

 resisting death

 La tercera fase de la pandemia ya comenzó con el cierre total en la India. El primer ministro lo llama toque de queda público.Todos pasamos días ansiosamente. Mialergia bronquial.tos y secreción nasal / nariz asusta. Sigotomando los medicamentos recetados por el médico hace años juntocon algunos remedios caseros. Lapermanencia forzada en casa debería protegernos a todos. Mantenemosnuestros dedos cruzados. COVID-19

 The third phase of the pandemic has already started with total shut down in India. The  Prime Minister calls it Public Curfew. We are all anxiously passing days. Mybronchial allergy. cough and runny/stuffed nose at night. frightens me. I keep taking the medicines doctor prescribed years ago alongwith some home remedies. The forced stay at home should protect us all. We keep our fingers crossed.


Corona virus.



 algunos dicenes

es una invasión.


limpieza del pecho 


respirando virosis desconocidos 

sufriendo nuevas represiones

 encierro castración. 


 resistiendo la muerte


VOCES DE ESPERANZA  ANTOLOGIA, ed: Joseph Berolo. Primera Edición. Published by Naciones Unidas de las Letras, Colombia, November 2020 pp. 66-67 



Sunday, November 08, 2020

My tanshi poems published in SETU magazine, October 2020







The mask of man they paint

with so many fingers as brushes

man’s only colour now




They take away the day’s flower

husk I retain for tomorrow

nobody knows what the robbers may look for




Unable to rise beyond themselves

they worry about their colleagues’ peace

and die of selfless jealousy




Apple, snake and three-fifth of me

in bed manipulates man

inside selfish rubbles




The painted paper-god and Christ on the cross

stand on the dawn-coloured wall of my bedroom

watch sex, prayers and restlessness each night




The colour of night is the same everywhere

what if my identity is not known

let’s fuck the moment and forget the place




If passion breeds beads of sweat

in winter night the plateau is reached

too much love can run one out




Crushed heads of serpents coil along the road

green glitter of stream strikes my vision

I walk and fear the growing ripples in urinal




It needs less than a drop to procreate

but months and years of readiness to enjoy

sex sustains both life and art




Once your body was the sitar waiting for my touch

the sweet fragrance of your hair still lingers

but the cigarette that was mine is now ash




Locked in the giant Chandragupta

I fly over snow stacked stones

and defy clouds in unseen sun





Civilization hasn’t spared the caves

man suffers in the hands of parasites

here too who work often go without food






The smile you weave splits the sun

I lose my direction in clouds darkening

the white of the lake moon kissed









Here she goes in the long light

and swiftly a shadow moves with her




What if my nights are poisoned by evil spirits

they can’t corrupt my bare truth in one life




The fire broke out to retaliate

they fight with lightning




Where will I reach running with gluey feet on gashed earth

a relentless sun licks leftover of a dying day




Not to kiss my feet they rush

waves vie with waves to reach the shore







The dance of rain is good for a short

but the fall of sky is too much




Keep my cracked tongue tightly closed

lest the diseased mind is known








Bio note:


 Ram Krishna Singh, an  Indian English poet, has been writing  for about four decades. Professionally,  till December 31, 2015,  Professor of English  at IIT-ISM in Dhanbad, he has published more than 160 research articles, 175 book reviews and 46 books, including Sense and Silence: Collected Poems (2010), New and Selected Poems Tanka and Haiku (2012),  You Can’t Scent Me and Other Selected Poems (2016), God Too Awaits Light (2017), Growing Within/Desăvârşire lăuntrică  (English/Romanian, 2017),  There's No Paradise and Other Selected Poems Tanka & Haiku (2019), and Tainted With Prayers/Contaminado con oraciones (English/Spanish, 2019).   His haiku and tanka have been  internationally read and appreciated. web:   ; email: