Tuesday, December 13, 2016


I open the window
of my new house and count
small houses in the valley

mules and horses graze
without shepherds

the wind howls and the sun is down
the curves all around invisible

in the widening darkness, twinkles
the top of the house of God

December 7, 2016


Nabi Al-Mujalli translates my haiku

float over the hill
the autumn circles of smoke--
her long hair streaming


تحومُ فوق التلِّ
دوائرُ دخان الخريف- - 
  انسِدالُ شعرها الطويل

slowly rising
from the clouds edges
winter sun

--R K Singh

تبزغ ببطئ
من حواف الغيم
شمس الشتاء 

ر. ك. سينغ

crack in the mine:
a traceless tipper driver
wailing father

--R K Singh

تَصَدُّعٌ في المنجمِ

سائقُ شاحِنَةٍ لا أثرَ له

أبٌ ينتَحِبُ

آر. كى. سينغ

Translated by:

Nabil Al-Mujalli